Awesome wrap and customer experience...would do it again.
Like other reviews here, I would not have attempted this unless it was for two things:
1. Incredible customer service and responsiveness from IIlya.
2. Pre-cut panels (I didn't want to attempt to use a razor against a $100k vehicle)
I chose a Satin off-green color to go with my image with the overhead LED lights and running boards. The Satin color was just the right sheen too to cover up ambient dust and grime that collects BTW.
As far as install, I studied the videos hard and recruited my teenage sons to help. They had very high attention to detail and I needed the extra hands. We took our time and it took 2 easy days...then light touchups on the edges over the next week or so.
Install tips - Remove the plastic fenders (takes 10 seconds and CUT down time by 20 minutes and better quality layout), use a heat gun on the edge wraps and have great lighting.
Lastly, the confidence was created by the back and forth with IIlya. He really cares and made a point to keep in touch. I LOVE the new look of my CT. The wrap looks awesome, gets attention and appears very durable.
But, again...HUGE credit for the sincere and awesome customer service.